Methods corresponding to an intent-based API for signaling state transitions of a block. These methods have side effects i.e. journey transitions are a function of block transitions, expressed through the following pseudo code:
journey.transition(blockState, intent)
Signals that the experience this Block powers has finished. A noop if the Block isn't active. Results in a journey transition.
Sets completed to true Sets active to false
Signals an end of the entire journey.
Sets exited to true Sets active to false
Signals that the experience this Block powers has begun. A noop if the Block isn't active.
Sets started to true Sets active to true
Signals that the experience this Block powers has been ended prematurely and/or not finished. Ends progress for this branch in the jouurney.
Sets stopped to true Sets active to false
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Methods corresponding to an intent-based API for signaling state transitions of a block. These methods have side effects i.e. journey transitions are a function of block transitions, expressed through the following pseudo code: