
Dopt's React SDK

Getting Started

The Dopt React SDK offers a convient framework-native client for accessing Dopt's Block Model API, allowing you to bind user journey state (defined in Dopt) to your UI.

Check out our type doc for source code level documentation!


Via Yarn:

yarn add @dopt/react

Via NPM:

npm install @dopt/react


To configure the Dopt Provider you will need

  1. An API key (generated in Dopt)
  2. A user ID (user being an end-user you've identified to Dopt)



You can initialize Dopt in your App by integrating the <DoptProvider /> as follows:

import { DoptProvider } from "@dopt/react";
import Application from "./application";

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
<DoptProvider userId={userId} apiKey={apiKey}>
<Application />

Accessing Model State

Having integrated the Provider you can now access Dopt Model State from anywhere in your app (<Application /> in this example) using our the useDopt Hook or withDopt HOC.

Example Usage

Using the useDopt Hook.

import { useDopt } from "@dopt/react";
import { Modal } from "@your-company/modal";

export function Application() {
const [{ active }, { complete }] = useDopt("HNWvcT78tyTwygnbzU6SW");
return (
title="👏 Welcome to your first journey!"
primaryActions: [{ label: "Got it", onClick: complete }],
<Text>This is your onboarding experience!</Text>

Using the withDopt HOC

import { withDopt } from "@dopt/react";
import { WelcomeModal } from "./welcome-modal";

export function Application() {
const WelcomeModalWithDopt = withDopt(WelcomeModal, "j0zExxZDVKCPXPzB2ZgpW");
return (
<WelcomeModalWithDopt />

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